"What about the weather"
Yes, it is going to rain somewhere on St. Thomas at some point during the day.
No, we are not canceling your dive trip!
....You were expecting to get wet during your scuba diving experience, right?
We understand when you are traveling to a Caribbean island that you hope for the best weather conditions, but mother nature is always surprising us down here! The weather report may say one thing, and the complete opposite happens. If the report shows rain, it may rain, but it doesn't usually last long.
Our main priority is keeping our divers safe. We would never put you (or ourselves!) in harms way. If there are tropical storm warnings, hurricane strength winds, lightening, or other rare conditions then yes we will cancel our trip and certainly reschedule you. A rain shower won’t stop us from going out and having fun!
I’ve lived here for almost 2 years, and I don’t remember the last time I’ve looked at the weather. So leave your worries stateside, come down with an open mind and get ready to make a splash!